Merryvale Assisted Living
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How Assisted Living Homes Can Help Seniors and Their Families

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As our nation grows older and the average lifespan increases, the need for assisted living homes has never been greater. That said, assisted living communities don’t just provide comfortable living and health care for seniors in need, they can also be a great benefit to their friends and loved ones.

Here are just a few ways our assisted living homes can help senior citizens and their families.

Preserve Your Independence

At Kaplan Development Group, we believe that independence is valuable in and of itself, but we also understand that a self-sustaining attitude can provide positive health benefits as well.

To support this sense of independence, our spacious communities and autonomous approach to senior care means our residents are able to plan their days however they wish and can engage with the large variety of group activities we organize.

Help for Meals and Chores

As we get older and become less mobile, simple tasks like cooking, cleaning, and doing the laundry can suddenly become a whole lot more difficult for us to perform. When a simple task that you are accustomed to completing on your own becomes challenging, you may begin avoiding them entirely.

Whether it’s helping to prepare your meals, cleaning the high shelves you just can’t reach, or carrying the laundry hamper up the stairs for you, our staff are more than willing to take on any task to make your stay with us as comfortable and easy as possible.

Different Options for Different Health Needs

Aging affects everyone in a different way, and sadly, that can include health issues such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, or any other of the many health issues that senior citizens are at greater risk of developing.

Kaplan Development Group understands how diverse your needs can be, and that’s why we provide a number of different suite types catered to these situations that can provide you the additional care you need to live a healthy life.

Takes the Stress Out of Family Visits

Visiting with your loved ones should be a wonderful time of catching up, sharing stories, and having fun. However, if you have mobility or health issues and live on your own, then your visits might be a bit more challenging than they need to be.

By moving to an assisted living facility where you have the support you need to stay healthy, safe, and independent, you can let your anxieties go and enjoy making memories with family members with a carefree attitude.

Whether you’re a senior citizen looking for a new home or a child concerned about your parent’s safety, we can all use a helping hand at some point in our lives. Kaplan Development Group is here and ready to give you the support you need. Give our care professionals a call today at 516 496-1505 or visit us online and find out our suites can give you the freedom and safety you’ve always wanted.

Written by Merryvale Assisted Living

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