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Category: Healthy Aging

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How to Change Your Perspective About Aging

Older man with a cane, sitting on a sofa, smiling widely with a relaxed posture.

For many people, aging can feel like a gift and a challenge. While it brings unparalleled wisdom and countless growth opportunities, it’s also accompanied by physical and emotional changes that may feel daunting. The key to fully embracing this natural stage of life lies in reshaping your perspective and mindset, focusing passions, hobbies, and health.   […]

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The Role of Emotional Support in Senior Care

A person embraces their senior parent from behind as they both smile.

Life is often a beautiful, albeit challenging, adventure. For our beloved seniors, this stage of life comes with unique hurdles that can be both physically and emotionally demanding. So while we may understand the importance of caring for physical woes, emotional well-being is just as critical as physical health. Providing emotional support is key to […]

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How to Manage Medication for Seniors Safely

A nurse holding a pill organizer and a senior pointing to pills in their hands sit on a couch together as the nurse teaches medication safety.

For seniors, taking medications correctly is crucial for their health and well-being, especially as they manage multiple prescriptions with different dosage schedules and potential side effects. With the right approach and support, seniors can manage their medications. There are many ways to help your loved one manage their medications, such as labelled pill containers, medication […]

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How Common Is Depression in the Elderly?

Senior man looking out a window.

Depression is a common mental health issue that affects people of all ages, including the elderly. According to a meta-analysis from the Annals of General Psychiatry, up to 31.74% of older adults in the world experience depression, making it one of the most common mental health issues among the elderly.  However, recognizing depression in seniors […]

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What Type of Massage Is Best for Chronic Pain?

A senior man lying down on a massage table while a therapist is standing behind him and giving him a massage.

Healthy habits, such as eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep are all important parts of living your best life during your golden year. But sometimes chronic pain—whether due to a condition like arthritis or simply a bad back from years of hard work—makes this easier said than done. There are certainly exercises a senior […]

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